
Verscom is now powered by Verscom Solutions Centralized Routing management tool

Verscom is now powered by Verscom Solutions Centralized Routing management tool

Call routing is an evolving function where customer needs have diversified over time. Currently, VoIP Networks have created a dynamic environment which necessitates frequent and granular routing changes to meet the needs of evolving networks. Verscom Solutions Centralized Routing management tool was developed to meet the needs of this network evolution while extending the usable […]

Carriers benefit from Verscom’s extensive buying power

Carriers benefit from Verscom’s extensive buying power

Verscom, choice of more than 150 carriers, is the best minute termination provider in the MENA and APAC regions. Verscom’s huge minute volume and extremely fast interconnection process makes Verscom the perfect partner to increase minute volumes and revenues in the quickest possible time. Carriers benefit from Verscom’s extensive buying power, assisting them in getting […]

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